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Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey - stol, vtol, tilt rotor, cargo
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Wallpaper Description:
The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is an American multi-mission, military, tilt rotor aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability.

It is designed to combine the functionality of a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft.

The V-22 originated from the United States Department of Defence Joint-service Vertical take-off/landing Experimental (JVX) aircraft program started in 1981.

The team of Bell Helicopter and Boeing Helicopters was awarded a development contract in 1983 for the tilt rotor aircraft.

The Bell Boeing team jointly produce the aircraft.

The V-22 first flew in 1989, and began flight testing and design alterations; the complexity and difficulties of being the first tilt rotor intended for military service in the world led to many years of development.

General characteristics

• Crew: Four (pilot, co-pilot and two flight engineers/crew chiefs)
• Capacity:
• 24 troops (seated), 32 troops (floor loaded), or
• 20,000 lb (9,070 kg) of internal cargo, or up to 15,000 lb (6,800 kg) of external cargo (dual hook)
• 1× Growler light internally transportable ground vehicle
• Length: 57 ft 4 in (17.5 m)
• Rotor diameter: 38 ft 0 in (11.6 m)
• Wingspan: 45 ft 10 in (14 m)
• Width with rotors: 84 ft 7 in (25.8 m)
• Height: 22 ft 1 in/6.73 m; overall with nacelles vertical (17 ft 11 in/5.5 m; at top of tailfins)
• Disc area: 2,268 ft² (212 m²)
• Wing area: 301.4 ft² (28 m²)
• Empty weight: 33,140 lb (15,032 kg)
• Loaded weight: 47,500 lb (21,500 kg)
• Max. takeoff weight: 60,500 lb (27,400 kg)
• Powerplant: 2 × Rolls-Royce Allison T406/AE 1107C-Liberty turbo shafts, 6,150 hp (4,590 kW) each


• Maximum speed: 275 knots (509 km/h, 316 mph) at sea level / 305 kn (565 km/h; 351 mph) at 15,000 ft (4,600 m)
• Cruise speed: 241 kn (277 mph, 446 km/h) at sea level
• Stall speed: 110 kn (126 mph, 204 km/h) in airplane mode
• Range: 879 nmi (1,011 mi, 1,627 km)
• Combat radius: 390 nmi (426 mi, 722 km)
• Ferry range: 1,940 nmi (2,230 mi, 3,590 km) with auxiliary internal fuel tanks
• Service ceiling: 25,000 ft (7,620 m)
• Rate of climb: 2,320 – 4,000[52] ft/min (11.8 m/s)
• Glide ratio: 4.5:1
• Disc loading: 20.9 lb/ft² at 47,500 lb GW (102.23 kg/m²)
• Power/mass: 0.259 hp/lb (427 W/kg)


• 1× 7.62 mm (0.308 in) M240 machine gun or 0.50 in (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine gun on ramp, removable
• 1× 7.62 mm (.308 in) GAU-17 minigun, belly-mounted, retractable, video remote control in the Remote Guardian System [optional]
woody2858 Uploaded by woody2858 on . Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey - Desktop Nexus Aircraft Download free wallpapers and background images: Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey. Desktop Nexus Aircraft background ID 1806432. The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is an American multi-mission, military, tilt rotor aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability.

It is designed to combine the functionality of a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft.

The V-22 originated from the United States Department of Defence Joint-service Vertical take-off/landing Experimental (JVX) aircraft program started in 1981.

The team of Bell Helicopter and Boeing Helicopters was awarded a development contract in 1983 for the tilt rotor aircraft.

The Bell Boeing team jointly produce the aircraft.

The V-22 first flew in 1989, and began flight testing and design alterations; the complexity and difficulties of being the first tilt rotor intended for military service in the world led to many years of development.

General characteristics

• Crew: Four (pilot, co-pilot and two flight engineers/crew chiefs)
• Capacity:
• 24 troops (seated), 32 troops (floor loaded), or
• 20,000 lb (9,070 kg) of internal cargo, or up to 15,000 lb (6,800 kg) of external cargo (dual hook)
• 1× Growler light internally transportable ground vehicle
• Length: 57 ft 4 in (17.5 m)
• Rotor diameter: 38 ft 0 in (11.6 m)
• Wingspan: 45 ft 10 in (14 m)
• Width with rotors: 84 ft 7 in (25.8 m)
• Height: 22 ft 1 in/6.73 m; overall with nacelles vertical (17 ft 11 in/5.5 m; at top of tailfins)
• Disc area: 2,268 ft² (212 m²)
• Wing area: 301.4 ft² (28 m²)
• Empty weight: 33,140 lb (15,032 kg)
• Loaded weight: 47,500 lb (21,500 kg)
• Max. takeoff weight: 60,500 lb (27,400 kg)
• Powerplant: 2 × Rolls-Royce Allison T406/AE 1107C-Liberty turbo shafts, 6,150 hp (4,590 kW) each


• Maximum speed: 275 knots (509 km/h, 316 mph) at sea level / 305 kn (565 km/h; 351 mph) at 15,000 ft (4,600 m)
• Cruise speed: 241 kn (277 mph, 446 km/h) at sea level
• Stall speed: 110 kn (126 mph, 204 km/h) in airplane mode
• Range: 879 nmi (1,011 mi, 1,627 km)
• Combat radius: 390 nmi (426 mi, 722 km)
• Ferry range: 1,940 nmi (2,230 mi, 3,590 km) with auxiliary internal fuel tanks
• Service ceiling: 25,000 ft (7,620 m)
• Rate of climb: 2,320 – 4,000[52] ft/min (11.8 m/s)
• Glide ratio: 4.5:1
• Disc loading: 20.9 lb/ft² at 47,500 lb GW (102.23 kg/m²)
• Power/mass: 0.259 hp/lb (427 W/kg)


• 1× 7.62 mm (0.308 in) M240 machine gun or 0.50 in (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine gun on ramp, removable
• 1× 7.62 mm (.308 in) GAU-17 minigun, belly-mounted, retractable, video remote control in the Remote Guardian System [optional]
Rating: 4.1

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Wallpaper Statistics

Total Downloads: 336
Times Favorited: 2
Uploaded By: woody2858
Date Uploaded: August 04, 2014
Filename: Boeing-V-22-Osprey.jpeg
Original Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 154.54KB
Category: Military

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